Nominal relative clauses
Nominal relative clauses ini
juga menggunakan WH-elements. Trs apa bedanya dengan WH-interrogative clauses?
Naaaah...bedanya ada pada artinya. Kalo WH-interrogative clauses itu masih
menyisakan tanda tanya untuk kita karena belum ada kejelasan, sedangkan nominal
relative clauses, sdh cukup informasi utk membuat kita tau =D
Mubeng juga?hahaha Lihat contoh
made him that upset is still questionable.
made him that upset is his girlfriend forgot his birthday.
Nah..kalo kalimat
pertama kan masih membuat kita bertanya2 apa yang bikin si cowok marah, masih
belum ada kejelasan, makanya itu termasuk WH-interrogative clause, sedangkan
kalimat kedua sudah jelas kan kalo yang bikin si cow marah itu karena hari
ulang taunnya dilupakan pacarnya, jadi dia termasuk nominal relative clause. Jelas???
Sekarang, masuk ke
nominal relative clauses:
Subject: What
made him that upset is his girlfriend forgot his birthday.
Direct object: I want to know whatever progress you have made so far.
Indirect object: The rich man gave whoever people he met his money.
Subject complement: Good friends are whoever makes you convenient to be who you are.
Object complement: You can ask me where you should address the letter.
complement: pelengkap untuk obyek. In this case: me.
Prepositional complement: Think about whatever makes you feel positive.
Jika NC berfungsi sebagai subyek
dalam to-infinitive nominal clauses, biasanya menggunakan ‘for’.
Subject: For
he never gives up on me makes me so grateful. =*)
Direct object: I hope my friends to be healthy and happy.
Subject complement: My wildest dream is to be yours. *wkawkawka…hiburan di tengah malam* =D
Appositive: Her dream, to be a pianist, comes true.
Adjectival complement: It’s nice to meet you again. ^^
Namanya aja pake ‘-ing’, udah
pasti nanti ada gerund-nya. ^^
Subject: Loving
you is everything. *preeeettt =p*
Direct object: I love listening to his voice. ^^
Subject complement: My favorite moment is spending time only with you. *Ahihihi =P*
Appositive: My opinion, spending this holiday in Semarang, is agreed.
Prepositional complement: I can’t wait for meeting you again.
Adjectival complement: It’s great watching his performance again.
Genitive: I’m very upset about his/Boni’s
saying such thing. *NC as prepositional complement*
Apa sih genitive itu? Check this out, guys: http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/genitive_case.htm
Objective or common case (INFORMAL): I’m very upset about him/Boni
saying such thing. *NC as prepositional complement*