REDUCED ADVERB CLAUSES *the passive ones*
06/03/14 by Unknown in

Mari ingat2 konsep dasarnya lagi untuk mereduced clauses yg pasif:

1.      The subjects refer to the same thing.
2.      Hilangkan subjek yang ada pada adj/adv clauses-nya.
3.      Ingat…pasif itu be+V3 jadi jelas dia punya to be, jadi coret saja to be-nya..daaaan selesai :D Tertinggal V3-nya aja =D

Lanjut ke contoh:

1.      Although he is always mocked by his classmates, he never gets angry to them.

-          Same subject: he => omitted
-          Passive verb: is mocked => omit ‘is’
-          Alhasil: Although always mocked by his classmates, he never gets angry to them.
2.      I cannot remember the date when I was proposed by him. *payaaaah banget* hahaha

-          Same subject: I => omitted
-          Passive verb: was proposed => omit ‘was’
-          Alhasil: I cannot remember the date when proposed by him.

3.      If he was not cheated, he would never leave her.

-          Same subject: he => omitted
-          Passive verb: was not cheated => omit ‘was’
-          Alhasil: If not cheated, he would never leave her.

4.      Unless she is forgiven for the boo-boo she made, I cannot concentrate on my final paper.

-          Different subject => she vs. I => cannot be reduced

REDUCED ADVERB CLAUSES *the active ones*
by Unknown in

Inti ‘rules’-nya sama kok kalau mau reduced clauses both adj n adv clauses *dalam bentuk aktif* =)
1.      The subject refers to the same thing.
2.      Hilangkan subjek dari adv/adj clauses.
3.      Jika kata kerja di adv/adj clauses-nya dalam bntuk to-be, maka tinggal hilangkan saja. Kalau bukan dalam be-verb, main verb-nya kita ubah ke bentuk V-ing.
4.      Poin no 3 itu berlaku jika adv/adj clauses-nya merupakan klausa bentuk positif. =)
Lanjut ke contoh:
1.      Although he is fat, he will always be the only man whom I love. *ciiiieee*
-          Same subject: he => omitted
-          Verb di adv clause-nya adalah be-verb, maka tendang dia juga.
-          Alhasil: Although fat, he will always be the only man whom I love.

2.      He never forgets to remind her to eat since he knew that she is a workaholic.
-          Same subject: he => omitted
-          Verb di adv clause BUKAN be-verb, maka ubah ke bentuk V-ing => knowing
-          Alhasil: He never forgets to remind her to eat since knowing that she is a workaholic.

3.      She would not look for another man if he told her his true feeling. *jeeeeb*
-          Different subject: she vs. he => cannot be reduced

4.      While I am waiting for him, I have to concentrate on my study.
-          ­Same subject: I
-          Verb di adv clause-nya adalah be-verb, hilangkan dia.
-          Alhasil:
While waiting for him, I have to concentrate on my study.
Waiting for him, I have to concentrate on my study.

5.      Because I love writing, I will never give up on it.
-          Same subject: I
-          Verb di adv clause BUKAN be-verb, ubah ke bentuk V-ing => loving
-          Alhasil:
Because loving writing, I will never give up on it.
Loving writing, I will never give up on it.

-          Dalam bentuk reduced form-nya, connectors dalam adv clauses tidak hilang karena connectors BUKAN subjeknya, kecuali WHILE, BECAUSE/SINCE. lihat ini dan ini
-          Connector dengan ‘while’ dan ‘because/since’ boleh dihilangkan, boleh enggak. (examples no 4 n 5)
-          ‘since’ yang dimaksud di sini adalah ‘since’ yg artinya ‘karena’

03/03/14 by Unknown in

Sebenernya, reduced clauses itu lebih gampang yg dalam konteks pasif lho, daripada aktif? Ga percaya? Mari buktikan! =D

Konsep yang bener2 harus matang adalah kalian harus tau apakah adj clause di dalam kalimat itu refers to kata kerja aktif atau pasif. Sekali lagi, ini lho kunci kalimat pasif: be+V3

Nah kalo udah, mari masuk ke konsep dasarnya: 

1.      Ini syarat mutlak: subjeknya harus sama! 
2.      Namanya juga kalimat pasif, otomatis punya to-be kan? Nah untuk me-reduced kalimat pasif, cukup hilangkan subjek dan to-be tersebut. Dan…selesai!! =D Jadi nanti tinggal bentuk V3-nya aja yang tersisa.

Masuk contoh!!

 1.      The vow, which was released 2 years ago, is now my favorite romance movie.

-          ‘which released 2 years ago’ menerangkan ‘the vow’ => adj clause
-          ‘which’ adalah subjeknya, maka lemparkan dia.
-          Karena clause ini berkata kerja pasif, maka hilangkan to-be nya dan selesai =)
-          Alhasil: The vow, released 2 years ago, is now my favorite romance movie.
2.      The woman who was awarded the faculty award last year is my girlfriend. *ciiiieeee :p*

-          ‘who was awarded the faculty award last year’ menerangkan ‘the woman’ => adj clause
-          ‘who’ adalah subjeknya, maka lemparkan dia.
-          Clause berkata kerja pasif, maka hilangkan to-be…finish!
-          Alhasil: The woman awarded the faculty award last year is my girlfriend.

3.    The books that were borrowed by my students are the newest edition.
-          ‘that were borrowed by my students’ menerangkan ‘the books’ => adj clause
-          ‘that’ adalah subjeknya, maka lempar saja.
-          Clause berkata kerja pasif, maka hilangkan to-be
-          Alhasil: The books borrowed by my students are the newest edition.

Lebih gampang kan dari yang aktif? =D