Adverb clauses of direct contrast
19/01/14 by Unknown in

Apa sih direct contrast? Direct contrast itu membandingkan sesuatu yg exactly the opposite alias jelas-jelas berseberangan. Masih bingung?
Aku kasih contoh dan yakin kalian ga akan bingung lagi. Contoh: kaya vs. miskin, pandai vs. bodoh,dll. Nah itu disebut direct contrast alias membandingkan secara langsung. Kalo bukan ini, ya itu. Oke? :)

We have 2 subordinating conjunctions to show direct contrast. Those are while and whereas. Cara penulisan adv clauses utk direct contrast berbeda dengan penulisan adv clauses pada umumnya.

Penulisan adv clauses of direct contrast using while or whereas itu entahkah subordinating conjuctions-nya di depan ato di tengah, dia pakai koma!!!!
whereas itu lebih formal daripada while. whereas lebih sering digunakan dalam formal written English.
 *while juga digunakan untuk mengacu pada keterangan waktu yg artinya during the time that, tp tentu saja penulisannya beda =) Jgn dicampur..di sini while sbg subordinating conj of direct contrast.

1. I really love eating seafood, while my boyfriend really hate it.
>> Aku sangat-sangat suka makan seafood, sedangkan pacarku bener-bener benci makan seafood.

2. While Ann is very smart, her sister is really silly.
>> Sedangkan Ann itu sangat pintar, adiknya sangat-sangat tolol.

3. My best friend is diligent, whereas his brother is lazy.
>> Teman baikku sangat rajin, sedangkan adiknya pemalas.

4. Whereas I am fat, my sister is slim.
>> Sedangkan aku gendut, kakakku langsing.

* adv clauses of direct contrast, mau while atau whereas di depan atau di tengah tetep pakai koma :*)

Connectives of Contrast
15/01/14 by Unknown in

Sama seperti postingan minggu lalu, kita punya empat connectives untuk menunjukkan contrast. Apa aja sih?? Masih sama kok:

1. Adverb clauses
Ini nih subordinating conjuctions yang bisa dipake: even though, though, although
Gimana sih cara penulisannya? Intip aja di sini =D
Intinya: subordinating conj ada di depan, kasih koma. Kalo di tengah kalimat, tanpa koma. =D
Siiiip dah (y)

- Although we cannot meet everyday, I always pray for you.
- Mr. Adam always works hard for his family even though he has already old.

2. Conjuctions
Conjuctions yg dimaksud di sini adalah coordinating conjuctions. Ada apa aja? Ini ini: but...anyway, but...still, yet...anyway, yet...still

*but dan yet itu artinya sama, jadi bisa ditukar2 =D
Untuk penulisan coordinating conj, jangan lupa taruh koma sebelum conj-nya ya =D

- He is angry with me, but he still cares about me.
- She has been already away, yet she helps us whenever she can anyway.

3. Transitions
Apa aja transitions yang ada untuk showing contrast? Ini: nevertheless, nonetheless, however...still
Yang perlu diperhatikan untuk transitions lagi2 adalah cara penulisannya. Yuk intip di sini!

- He cannot come to her party. Nevertheless, he has already sent her a special gift.
- The weather is really bad. He is still going to his girlfriend's house, however.

4. Prepositions
To show contrast, we have four prepositions: despite, in spite of, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that
*despite dan in spite of diikuti oleh kata benda
*despite the fact that dan in spite the fact that diikuti dengan klausa
Jelassss? Kunci-nya itu yg kata hubung berakhiran dgn 'that' itu diikuti clause, say =D Kaya due to the fact yang kita bahas kemaren =D

- Despite the fact that today is holiday, Mr. Brown's shop is still open.
- He keeps on singing in spite of his awful voice.

Connectives of cause and effect
07/01/14 by Unknown in

Ciiiie...postingan pertama di tahun 2014 =D
Happy New Year, everyone! =D

Bahasan pertama di tahun ini adalah tentang connectives that show cause and effect. Ada 4 jenis connectives-nya:

Adverb clause words (subordinating conj): because, now that, since

Transitions: therefore, consequently

Prepositions: due to, because of

Coordinating conj: so, for

Semua connectives di atas menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat. Untuk subordinating conj, prepositions, dan for, penekanan ada di penyebabnya...alias di dalam bahasa Indonesia mereka itu artinya 'karena'. Sedangkan transitions dan so, penekanan ada di result-nya. In Bahasa Indonesia, artinya 'oleh karena itu' atau 'akibatnya'. Oke paham? Lanjuuuutt!!

Sekarang tentang penulisannya...gimana cara penulisannya?
1. Intip aja di sini ...hahahaha
Intinya kalo nulis adverb clauses itu secara umum kl subordinating conj di depan kasih koma, kalo di belakang ga pake koma. Uwis ngono thog =p

2. Nah sekarang transitions. Cara nulis transitions ada 3 dan itu dipake seterusnya cuman transitions buat cause n effect doang.

transition + S + V (+ sisa kalimat)
S + transition + V (+ sisa kalimat)
S + V (+sisa kalimat) + transition

a. I cannot live without you. Therefore, I cannot let you go. *hahahaha..mulai lagi =*)
b. I cannot live without you. I, therefore, cannot let you go.
c. I cannot live without you. I cannot let you go, therefore.

Note: perhatikan posisi komanya. Itu penting!! Kalo transition muncul di awal kalimat (a), kasih koma stlh transitionnya. Kalo transition di tengah (b), kasih koma sblm dan sesudah transitionnya. Kalo di belakang (c), kasih koma sebelum transitionnya.

*therefore sama consequently itu artinya sama.

3. Untuk due to dan because of itu artinya sama ky because. Bedanya, due to dan because of itu diikuti dengan kata benda, sedangkan untuk because, dia diikuti klausa. See? =)
a. Because he always shows his love to me, I will fight till the end. *hahahaha =D *
b. Because of his love, I will fight till the end.
c. I will fight till the end due to his love.

See? Cara penulisan due to dan because of itu sama dengan mereka2 yg ada di adverb clause words. Kalo depan kasihlah koma, kalo di belakang ga usah. =D

Oiya, dalam formal writing, kita mengenal juga due to the fact that. Kata hubung yang ada 'that' nya (due to the fact that, in order that, etc.) umumnya diikuti dengan klausa.
- Due to the fact that he always shows his love to me, I will fight till the end.

d. Ketika menulis dengan menggunakan coordinating conjuctions (so, for, yet), jangan lupa kasih koma sblm coordinating conj tersebut.
Tapi yg menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat adlh so dan for. Untuk yet akan kita bahas lain kali. =D

a. My daughter had an accident yesterday, so I could not attend the meeting.
b. I love you more and more everyday, for you are always there for me. *hahahaha =D