Connectives of Contrast
15/01/14 by Unknown in

Sama seperti postingan minggu lalu, kita punya empat connectives untuk menunjukkan contrast. Apa aja sih?? Masih sama kok:

1. Adverb clauses
Ini nih subordinating conjuctions yang bisa dipake: even though, though, although
Gimana sih cara penulisannya? Intip aja di sini =D
Intinya: subordinating conj ada di depan, kasih koma. Kalo di tengah kalimat, tanpa koma. =D
Siiiip dah (y)

- Although we cannot meet everyday, I always pray for you.
- Mr. Adam always works hard for his family even though he has already old.

2. Conjuctions
Conjuctions yg dimaksud di sini adalah coordinating conjuctions. Ada apa aja? Ini ini: but...anyway, but...still, yet...anyway, yet...still

*but dan yet itu artinya sama, jadi bisa ditukar2 =D
Untuk penulisan coordinating conj, jangan lupa taruh koma sebelum conj-nya ya =D

- He is angry with me, but he still cares about me.
- She has been already away, yet she helps us whenever she can anyway.

3. Transitions
Apa aja transitions yang ada untuk showing contrast? Ini: nevertheless, nonetheless, however...still
Yang perlu diperhatikan untuk transitions lagi2 adalah cara penulisannya. Yuk intip di sini!

- He cannot come to her party. Nevertheless, he has already sent her a special gift.
- The weather is really bad. He is still going to his girlfriend's house, however.

4. Prepositions
To show contrast, we have four prepositions: despite, in spite of, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that
*despite dan in spite of diikuti oleh kata benda
*despite the fact that dan in spite the fact that diikuti dengan klausa
Jelassss? Kunci-nya itu yg kata hubung berakhiran dgn 'that' itu diikuti clause, say =D Kaya due to the fact yang kita bahas kemaren =D

- Despite the fact that today is holiday, Mr. Brown's shop is still open.
- He keeps on singing in spite of his awful voice.

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