Cleft Sentences
03/04/14 by Unknown in

Mari kita memulai dengan “Apa sih cleft sentences itu? Dipake buat apa?”

Dari browsing2, aku nemu link yang menurutku tepat untuk mendefinisikan cleft sentences and bahasanya easily understandable =D Sooo…
According to Roger Woodham in (diakses tanggal 3 April 2014) ini lho cleft sentence:
  •  Cleft sentences itu dipake di saat kita ingin fokus dan menekankan bagian-bagian tertentu dalam kalimat.
  •  Cleft sentences punya 2 bagian yang berhubungan. Itulah sebabnya dinamakan cleft sentences, because the word ‘cleft’ comes from the verb ‘cleave’ yg artinya separated into two. =) Yang pertama ‘it clause’, yang kedua ‘adj/noun clause’. Fokusnya diletakkan setelah ‘it clause’ dengan be verb (is/was), sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.
  • Cleft sentences sangat berguna untuk writing..kenapa? Kembali ke poin pertama, karena ketika menulis kita tidak bisa menggunakan intonasi untuk menekankan bagian-bagian tertentu yang pengen kita fokuskan, maka penggunaaan cleft sentences ini menggantikan intonasi itu. *Jangan lupa pakai ini saat skripsi!* =D

And…this is the formula: It+be+FOCUS+adj/noun clause

Mari masuk ke contoh dengan macam2 fokus yg berbeda:

1)      Focus on the subject (S)
a.       My fiancé proposed me at the park under the sparkling light last night. =D
Ini cara kita ubah kalimat ke cleft sentences:
Pertama, tentukan fokusnya. In this case, my fiancé = subject. Rebes? Lanjut ke yang kedua: analisa kalimat ini termasuk tense apa, itu menentukan to be-nya, apa kita mau pake is/was. In this case, proposed = past tense, berarti it clause-nya diikuti ‘was’. Ketiga, masukkan kata2 sisa dari kalimat di belakang it clause dengan urutan yg sama dgn kalimat awal, jangan lupa dia ada dalam bentuk adj/noun clause. =D
ð  It was my fiancé who/that proposed me at the park under the sparkling light last night.

b.      My boyfriend studies English to prepare himself to take music major in America. =*)
Tense: present tense
ð  It is my boyfriend who/that studies English to prepare himself to take music major in America.

2)      Focus on the direct object (Od)
a.       He brought a bucket of red roses for me last night. *asiiik*
Tense: past tense
ð  It was a bucket of red roses that he brought for me last night.

b.      My boyfriend studies English to prepare himself to take music major in America.
Tense: present tense
ð  It is English that my boyfriend studies to prepare himself to take music major in America.

3)      Focus on the adverbial time (Atime)
a.       My fiancé proposed me at the park under the sparkling light last night.
Tense: past tense
ð  It was last night that my fiancé proposed me at the park under the sparkling light.

b.      She comes to study English at my boarding house every Wednesday. 
Tense: present tense
ð  It is every Wednesday that she comes to study English at my boarding house.

4)      Focus on the adverbial position (A position)
a.       My fiancé proposed me at the park under the sparkling light last night.
Tense: past tense
ð  It was at the park under the sparkling light that my fiancé proposed me last night.
ð  It was the park under the sparkling light that my fiancé proposed me last night. (informal)

b.      She comes to study English at my boarding house every Wednesday.
Tense: present tense
ð  It is at my boarding house that she comes to study English every Wednesday.
ð  It is my boarding house that she comes to study English every Wednesday. (informal)

5)      Focus on the indirect object (Oi)
a.       He brought me a bucket of red roses last night.
Tense: past tense
Untuk kalimat dengan fokus indirect object (Oi) kita harus ekstra hati2, karena kita tidak bisa sembarangan taruh object pronouns (in this case: me) begitu saja.
Ini contoh cleft sentence yang SALAH:
ð  It was me that he brought a bucket of red roses last night.
Itu adalah contoh yang salah..lantas bagaimana? Ada beberapa kemungkinan.
1.      Ubah kalimatnya dengan tambahan kata ‘to’ dulu. Untuk yang ini ada 2 optional.
2.      Ubah object pronouns (in this case: me) dengan subject pronouns (in this case becomes I). Jadiii:
He brought a bucket of red roses to me last night.
ð  It was to me that he brought a bucket of red roses last night.
ð  It was me that he brought a bucket of red roses last night to.
ð  It was I that he brought a bucket of red roses last night.

b.      The movie teaches us how to be patient and fight for someone we love. ^^
Tense: past tense
The movie teaches how to be patient and fight for someone we love to us.
ð  It is to us that the movie teaches how to be patient and fight for someone we love.
ð  It is us that the movie teaches how to be patient and fight for someone we love to.
ð  It is we that the movie teaches how to be patient and fight for someone we love.     

  1. contoh ini --> "What makes us hold on each other is quite obvious", apa bukan pseudo-cleft? :D

  1.'re right Sir.
    Number 6a is a pseudo-cleft sentence. That's my bad. Thanks for the correction =D
    But, how about no 6b?

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