Pseudo-cleft sentences
05/04/14 by Unknown in

Nah ini adalah poin2 yg harus diingat yg membedakan pseudo-cleft sentences dgn postingan sebelumnya ttg cleft sentences:

  • Kalo fokus kalimat dlm cleft sentences ada di depan, fokus kalimat dlm pseudo-cleft sentences ada di belakang.
  • Kalimat pseudo-cleft sentences bersubjekan WH-clause, tapiii..ada restriction-nya juga, ntr ya liat di contoh langsung.
  • Complement dalam pseudo-cleft sentences adalah an infinitive clause (boleh dengan to, boleh enggak). Nah ada pengecualiannya jg. Kalo kalimatnya bentuk progressive, maka complement-nya jg dlm bentuk –ing clause (note be going to) 
 1.      I always need a little refreshment after I have an exam.
-          Fokus: a little refreshment = What do I always need after I have an exam?
-          Knp aku buat pertanyaan? Ini untuk mempermudah membuat pseudo-cleft sentence-nya. Sesuai dengan pertanyaannya yg diawali dgn ‘what’, maka subjeknya nanti jg pake ‘what’.
-          Tense: present tense; maka nanti to be untuk menghubungkan kalimat jg present.
ð  What I always need after I have an exam is a little refreshment.

2.      My friend bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday.
-          Fokus: a pan of pizza = What did my friend buy to celebrate her birthday?
            -          Tense: past tense
ð  What my friend bought to celebrate her birthday was a pan of pizza.

3.      My friend bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday.
-          Fokus: bought a pan of pizza = What did my friend do to celebrate her birthday?
-          Tense: past tense
ð  What my friend did to celebrate her birthday was (to) buy a pan of pizza.
-          Nah..ini lho yang kita bicarakan ttg poin2 yg harus diingat untuk pseudo-celft sentences. Kalo fokusnya mengenai kata kerja alias verb, maka bentuknya adalah infinitive (V1), sedangkan ‘to’ nya optional, suka2 kalianlah mau dipake ato enggak. Dua2nya benar =D

4.      My friend bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday.
-          Fokus: my friend = Who bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday?
-          Tense: past tense
ð  Who bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday was my friend. (?????)
-          Nah ini juga poin yg harus diingat dr pseudo-cleft sentences. Di poin no 2 tadi disebutkan kalo subjek untuk pseudo-cleft sentence adalah WH-clause, tp yg perlu diingat di sini adlh ada restriction-nya. Kalo kita amat2i sebenarnya yg WH-clause yg bisa mentah2 dipake utk subjek adalah ‘what-clause’, yg lainnya perlu sedikit modifikasi *anggap saja begitu* =D
-          Membuat pertanyaan utk pseudo-cleft sentence itu sbnrnya cmn utk memberi gambaran utk membuat subjek. Skrg kita pny ‘who’, berarti kita modifikasi sdkt spy subjeknya ttp berintikan ‘who’ tp ga mentah2 pake ‘who’. Bisa kita tambah dgn ‘the person’, sooooo:
ð  The person who bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday was my friend. ^^

5.      My friend bought a pan of pizza to celebrate her birthday.
-          Fokus: to celebrate her birthday = Why did my friend buy a pan of pizza?
-          Tense: past tense
-          ‘Why’ juga butuh editing sodara2. Karena ‘why’ menunjukkan alasan, maka bagaimana kl kita edit jd begini: ‘the reason why’? =D Sooo:
ð  The reason why my friend bought a pan of pizza was to celebrate her birthday.

6.      He is dating with his ex-girlfriend.
-          Fokus: dating with his ex-girlfriend = What is he doing?
-         Tense: present progressive; ingat poin2 pseudo-cleft sentence lg. Kalimatnya present, maka to be yg dipake jg present. Daaaaan….dia progressive, maka complement-nya jg progressive. So:
ð  What he is doing is dating with his ex-girlfriend.

7.      He is going to go to Jogja to give a surprise to his girlfriend’s birthday this Thursday. =*)
-          Fokus: go to Jogja to give a surprise to his girlfriend’s birthday = What is he going to do this Thursday?
-          Tense: simple future; ini jg poin penting, bandingkan dengan kalimat no 6, walopun sama2 ada –ing nya, tp be going to bukan progressive sodara2, dia itu future, temannya willy (baca: will) =D Sooo:
ð  What he is going to do this Thursday is (to) go to Jogja to give a surprise to his girlfriend’s birthday.

8.      He is going to go to Jogja to give a surprise to his girlfriend’s birthday this Thursday.
-          Fokus: this Thursday = When is he going to go to Jogja to give a surprise to his girlfriend’s birthday?
-          Tense: simple future
-          ‘When’ jg harus dimodif. Mudah saja karena dia menunjukkan keterangan waktu, pakai aja ‘the time when’, ato karena dia uda spesifik menyebutkan hari, bisa jg pake ‘the day when’…intinya: be creative! =D So:
ð  The day when he is going to go to Jogja to give a surprise to his girlfriend’s birthday is this Thursday.

9.      I met my ex-boyfriend at the station last week.
-          Fokus: at the station = Where did you meet your ex-boyfriend last week?
            -       Tense: past tense
-          ‘Where’ jg perlu modif lhoo =D Karena menunjukkan tempat, pake ‘the place where’ jg beres =D
ð  The place where I met my ex-boyfriend last week was at the station.

10.   I ate a bar of chocolate and a piece of cake this morning.  

-          Fokus: a bar of chocolate and a piece of cake = What did you eat this morning?
-          Tense: past tense
ð  What I only ate this morning were a bar of chocolate and a piece of cake.

NOTE: berbeda dengan cleft sentence yg ‘to be’ penghubung kedua clause hny is/was, untuk pseudo-cleft, ‘to be’ mengikuti fokusnya. Kalo fokusnya jamak, ya ‘to be’ nya jamak. Contoh no 10.

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