As If/As Though
07/12/13 by Unknown in

Ahaaa...penjelasan panjang lebar sudah di postingan sebelumnya. Skrg 'cukup' singkat aja ya =)
As if/as though di sini artinya seolah-olah. Kalo dia seolah-olah berarti itu ga bener dong???

1. Fact: I am not his girlfriend.
>> He treats me as if I were his girlfriend. *PHP bangetttt -_-

2. Fact: He did not practise his speech.
>> He delivered his speech as though he had practised it.

3. Fact: We have been friend.
>> When I met Marry yesterday, she stared at me as if we had not been friend.

4. Fact: She will not come.
>> She promised me as though she would come. *pake janji2 segala padahal jelas dia ga akan bisa datang -__-

Inti dari membuat klausa as if/as though adalah the reality contradicts to the fact. Bandingkan klausa italic dengan fact nya!!
Intinya: lihat FACT-nya!!

-fact terjadi di present atau future>>past tense(contoh 1 dan 4)
-fact terjadi di past>>past perfect (contoh 2 dan 3)

Ini hint nya:
-Fact terjadi di present/future>>simple past: as if/as though+S+were+... ATAU as if/as though+S+V2+...
-Fact terjadi di past>>past perfect: as if/as though+S+had+been+... ATAU as if/as though+S+had+V3+...
Dan jangan lupa karena ini berlawanan dengan realita, konversi positif negatifnya.
Fact positif , as if/as though jadi negatif.
Fact negatif, as if/as thoug jadi positif.

Yang kita ubah2 adalah klausa as if/as though yaaaa (yang di-italic doang).
Sebenernya, kalo kamu perhatikan, model klause as if/as though sama dengan condition di conditional sentences type 2 dan conditional sentences type 3
Kenapaaa??? Karena mereka sama2 untrue in present or past. Sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan realita. =)

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